ICAR NET-2016- Agricultural Meteorology from ASRB New Delhi
Ph.D., 2022 –Agriculture
(Agrometeorology & Environmental Science) from Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Topic- Impact of hydrogel on soil moisture retention and release pattern in acid alfisol under okra cultivation.
M.Sc., 2015 – Agriculture
(Agricultural physics & Meteorology) from Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Topic- Impact of microclimatic variation of hydrid rice varieties under aerobic condition.
B.Sc., 2012- Agriculture
Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand).
SRF-2 years from Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
My objective of teaching is to develop the mentality of students with my best possible efforts, knowledge, skills and hard working ability and by taking innovative steps and remaining flexible in approach for making them to get to the point where they can think of themselves and to make teaching more enjoyable & fun for them.
M.Sc., – Agroforestry from Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Topic-“Study on the Growth of Bamboo and Inter Crops under Bamboo Based Silvipasture System”.
B.Sc., Forestry
Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand).
Worked as a senior research fellow in ICAR Funded Farmer FIRST Project (Enhancing food, nutritional and livelihood security of marginal and small farmer in Jharkhand through need based technologies) in ICAR- Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology , Ranchi.
Worked as a Senior Project Fellow in Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Jharkhnad Government.
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